• Rohini, New Delhi - 110089

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Hospital for Cardiology

We have a state-of-the-art cardiology department at our hospital. It houses a well-equipped many-bed Heart Command Centre and various cardiac wards, including General, Private, Deluxe, Suite, and Super Deluxe Suite wards for patients. The department offers world-class angiography, angioplasty, heart surgery, aneurysms, coronary artery bypass, valve replacement surgery, Atrial Septal defect Closure, ICD Implantation, and Pacemaker implant facilities. All our treatments are world-class and adhere to international medical standards. We ensure patients feel at home all through their stay at the hospital. The facilities for angioplasty, heart surgery and valve replacement surgery are one-of-a-kinds in the national capital region. The department benefits from an experienced team of heart specialists. We make use of high-end medical technologies that deliver and have heart specialists that can be relied upon for complex cardiac surgeries. Each heart surgery starts with thoroughly carried-out investigations and retrospection into the patient history. Based on these investigations, a treatment plan is tailor-made to ensure the patient’s fast recovery. At Jackson Hospital, we strive to do everything to keep your heart healthy and you happy. We have a separate cardiology department that goes with the name of Jackson Hospital. The team is composed of highly qualified cardiologists, surgeons, cardiac anesthesiologists, technicians, and nursing staff. Get in touch for expert heart care!

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  • Best Hospital for Cardiology in rohini Sector 9

Please contact us for additional information! 8826343293

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